Day 31 – don’t take pre-workout before bed

So it’s been a while since I’ve written. Sorry if anyone was worried again. Truth is it’s getting harder and harder to write because my mindset just isn’t great.

Well the coronavirus numbers in China are slowly declining which is good. There are still new cases but a lot less. Hopefully some normality will begin to follow.

So what’s new. Well, our dogs now don’t sleep in the bed. Hahaha. Poor Emily had the dogs sleeping in the room for a long time and now we both finally have the bed to ourselves. But our door is always scratched but this is new to them. We have taken to late night strolls around our plot because it’s so quiet that we can let Lola and Bella off the lead. Chinese people are still freaking out over dogs because they think they carry the virus, WHICH THEY DO NOT. My god there are some superstitious people here. Like Bat’s making you see better.. Sorry what? Also we are fairly sure Lola is close to getting her period.. And we are NOT prepared and still not enough places open to prepare for it. So hopefully no bleeding until the shops open!

The cat is still being a dick! He’s now no longer allowed in any bedrooms. But he’s also super cute. He loves being cuddled. And him and Bella are honestly so cute playing together.

Our online classes are moving on to live classes! So we can see all our students live. Which is gunna be crazy. The government are putting together a plan for going back to work in our province. This is GREAT news. But even if we go back to work it’s still going to be temperatures being tested every day. Some places here are not allowing you out more than twice a day still, or only allowed out every two days. I’ve also chosen the book I’m doing for my reading and writing English class. The hunger games! Never read it. Or seen the movies. So we will see how that goes because reading the book will give me something to do.

Today some new pre-workout arrived. And I decided to try some late evening before a home workout. And well to give you an idea my brain is still wired and it is currently half past 1. And I feel like a race car driver going 100mph! So here I am writing at half past 1!

I’m waiting on a parcel from home which is exciting. They’ve ran out of masks here and we’re running low. We aren’t allowed out without a mask.. Yet cannot buy a mask anywhere?! So that’s cool.

I managed to get to watch some rugby which is a real blessing. Really has helped. That and having the VPN back so I don’t just hear chinese 24/7.

I honestly miss so much stuff about the UK. My friends, my family, food. I have always missed these things. However it is intensified by the fact that we have zero topics to talk about. I love Emily. With all my heart. So much. But it is tough when every day is the same to have continuous conversations haha. On the plus side I have managed to order Emily some presents. However my taste doesn’t always match up. I had to show her two pairs of trainers to try on and well they fit.. But she HATED them. Haha. So I have some things for her birthday which she can open on her birthday. But I’m taking her trainer shopping the day before haha.

Anyway I’m gunna try sleep now.

Here’s some cute pet pics



Published by Zac France

Rugby player and basketball player. Finding my feet in China.

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